Study visits via My Dream Now
We find companies that want to inspire students by welcoming them to their workplace.
How it works
The visits last about 2 hours and take place with half a class, which is about 12-14 students plus an accompanying adult.
The company plans a tour, a simpler activity at the workplace and an evaluation of the visit with the students.
We are responsible for all coordination with the school and contact with the company.
Study visits in different ways
Occasional study visits
We arrange study visits for one or more classes at workplaces.
Customized study visits
Guided by the wishes from the school's pedagogues, we plan study visits with a clear connection to the current curriculum.
Study visits within the Class Coach program
Take a look at the film next to this and join us on an exciting study visit that we have arranged as part of the class coach program.
Representing a company? Read more about receiving study visits here!
Want to know more?
Our contact person is happy to answer.
Jennifer Ericsson
+46 70 090 26 13