Minimal administration
Find and keep talent
Valuable network
What is the problem?
Employers in many Swedish industries find it difficult to recruit. At the same time, many young people in Sweden do not feel welcome in the labour market. Students haven't been exposed to various inspiring jobs in elementary or high school.
Welcome to a long-term collaboration that makes a big difference for many young people!
For example by receiving study visits or becomming a Class coach.
Social sustainability in society and in your business.
Employees get involved by meeting students during school hours.
Employees who are allowed to make a difference during working hours feel more proud and better.
We create meetings with people from different parts of society.
Several levels of valuable partnerships.
Premium partner
12 months:
per region*
SEK 180,000
4+ Class coaches
1+ study visit
Valuable network with local meetups
Priority for participation in all our programs
Activity report
Support and meetings for internal anchoring and communication
* Right now we are in Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm.
"Det är viktigt att vi tillsammans strävar mot ett hållbart samhälle."
-- Anna Leander, HR & hållbarhetschef
på Stockholm Exergi
"Det långsiktiga partnerskapet med My Dream Now genererar mycket positivt för oss som företag. Den medarbetare som träffat elever är alltid en väldigt stolt, känner att man har gjort en väldig skillnad. Det bidrar till att man vill vara på Canon."
- Christer Byfors, VD Canon Svenska
“Jag tycker att My Dream Now har en väldigt viktig och värdefull roll i samhället.”
- Sara Kroné Karlsson, Marketing Specialist Nordics på DLL
Book a meeting
"I'd be happy to tell you more about how you and your colleagues can make a difference with us. Fill out the form or contact me for a meeting."
Reza Rezvani 7073-736 81 65